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Successful Community Gardening


· Plan to visit your garden two to three times a week during the growing season. Make a schedule with yourself or other gardeners. Write it in your calendar. Post a colorful reminder on the fridge. Because your garden is not located outside your front or back door, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there is weeding, watering, staking or harvesting to do.

· Attend scheduled meetings and workdays. This will help you meet other gardeners and become part of your gardening community. You’ll also learn about the various jobs and projects that need to be done to keep your garden in shape.

· Make friends with other gardeners. Experienced gardeners are an invaluable resource at your garden. Pick their brains for gardening tips. Visit their plots to see how they stake their tomatoes or trellis their beans.

· Volunteer for a garden job or committee. Community gardens don’t manage themselves. They require a fair amount of work. By pitching in on a certain job or project, you’ll be supporting the garden as a whole and ensuring that the work is spread among many people.

· Educate yourself. Check out books from the library. Attend classes. Watch Youtube videos. There’s always something to learn about gardening. The more you learn, the more success you’ll have .

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