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The Chestnut Hill Reservoir Community Garden is a part of the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, a state park managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.


Located along the Chestnut Hill Driveway and defined along the roadway by a length of the 1977 iron picket fence, the Community Garden is approximately 7,500 square feet in size.


The semicircular garden is laid out in 25 plots, demarcated with fences erected by the individual gardeners. Wrapping around the rectangular plots is the common area, which includes shade gardens, a small 20' x 25' concrete pad patio area with picnic tables, a grapevine garden, and a memorial Judge's garden.


Tucked into the woods on either side are small sheds for shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, hoses, and compost piles. A path in the north side of the wood connects the garden to the end of Wade Street, which the garden's water meter is located.

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