Welcome to Chestnut Hill Reservoir Community Garden
In this website, you will find important information about how our garden operates and whom to contact with general and specific questions. It also contains information about how you can help make the garden run smoothly and efficiently.
Because community gardening requires a fair amount of work beyond tending your own plot, every gardener is asked to participate to the best of their ability in the management and upkeep of the entire garden.
The community garden only exists with the support of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. As we occupy public land, we are guests and must follow the rules established for public parks, which, among others, prohibit alcohol and drug consumption. The DCR is a generous and helpful “landlord” and therefore we take great care to prove ourselves good stewards of their property. For these reasons, it is important to participate actively in clean-up days, working alongside DCR employees and also make sure that the garden is an asset to the surrounding neighborhood.


1st Zoom Metting
May 16 at 7:30PM
Link will be sent by email soon
Get inspired

"'Tis like the birthday of the world,
when earth was born in bloom;
The light is made of many dyes,
The air is all perfume:
There's crimson buds, and white and blue,
The very rainbow showers
Have turned to blossoms when they fell,
And sown the earth with flowers."
– Thomas Hood
Planting Calendar

Do you want to know what you should be planting in the garden this month?
Visit our Garden Monthly Checklist and Planting Calendar.
Connect with CHRCGardeners

Get in touch and share the CHRCG experience through the forum.
Gardening Education

Would you like to know more about organic gardening, composting, recycling, etc?
Check out our educational blog
Comments and Suggestions

We want to keep improving our community garden and your feedback and contribution are essential.
Show us your progress and success
Did you just harvest your first tomato?
Are your flowers just amazing?
Let's share and celebrate our gardeners' achievements
Post your pics on Instagram and tag @chrcgarden.
It will also feed into our Instagram Tab
Would like to become a member?
Applications are closed for 2022 plots. But you can join our waiting list for the 2023 season by submitting an application.